People with clear, written goals, accomplish far more in a shorter period of time than people without them could ever imagine. Brian Tracy
In my handwriting on the top of the piece of paper it says, “mid 1990’s.” Underneath were written the words, “Dream Book.” It was buried deep within a file folder in my desk drawer.
• Travel to Hawaii and surrounding islands
• Travel to Europe—Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Italy
• Tour the country in a Winnebago for a whole summer
• Rent a beach house for the summer
• Travel back to Banff, Canada
• Explore Alaska
• Horseback ride into the mountains and camp for several days
• Learn another language
• Fly without a motor like hang gliding, hot air balloon ride, glider, etc.
• To have work that I love that makes enough income to live comfortably
Eight years ago, I had achieved all but two of them. Actually, my priorities changed and even though I had opportunities, I chose not to pursue the final two. I believe that it is important to focus on what we want, but I didn’t know the power of writing it down, until I found this.
As you are writing down your goals for 2020, just a reminder that your dreams can become reality and you can be a believer like I am.
In Giving and Dreaming,